A lecture and discussion will center around Betty Rojtman's (emerita of our department) new book Une faim d'abîme: La fascination de la mort dans l'écriture contemporaine. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer; 2019 ג', 05/05/202017:00-19:00מיקום: Mandel Building 530
Thomas C. Connolly (Yale, French Department) will speak on "Sénac, Farès, Dib: Reading After Images in North African Francophone Poetry" ג', 17/03/202017:00-18:30מיקום: Mandel Building 530
"?Eric Marty (Université Paris VII-Diderot) will give a lecture entitled: "Why did the 20th century take Sade seriously ג', 26/11/201918:00-19:30מיקום: Mandel Building 530
.Alexandre Gefen (CNRS, Université de la Sorbonne) will speak on "Distant reading today. New approaches to Digital Humanities ג', 19/11/201918:00-19:30מיקום: Mandel Building 530